I am an advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States & the Free World. I see Israel and the US as the last two forts of true freedom. If you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

Nurit Greenger

Articles 128
Views 83.1K
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Helping Each Other | Family & Parenting

Family & Parenting | Helping Each Other

California-Israel Merge At Water Summit - NewsBlaze News

Water Summit arranged by the state of California and Israel, as a way to help California cope with the ongoing drought, as Israel already has.

    Family & Parenting | Helping Each Other

    Without Water, There Is No Life

    Israel is to help California to understand how it can become independent of rainfall, as Israel has done for many years in a very arid region.

        Family & Parenting | Helping Each Other

        Awareness Equals Prevention: Saving Young Lives

        Drugs are a huge business. Once a person is hooked, society loses a productive individual and the drug industry gains a customer, an addict.