
Entertainment | Entertain Me

NBC ends the age of Aquarius · Newswire · The A.V. Club

In what feels like a pretty classic example of the “Holy crap, why was that still on?” school of TV news, Variety is reporting that NBC has canceled its Charles Manson-based drama Aquarius.

Entertainment | Astrology

Uranus Goes Retrograde | What Does This Mean? | Individual Change

This is an exciting time. Now that Uranus has officially gone retrograde what can we anticipate for the next coming 5 – 6 months? Uranus retrogrades half of the year while it travels direct f…

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Gemini Man and Aquarius Woman Love Compatibility

Find Gemini Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility relationship & friendship horoscope. Read Gemini Male and Aquarius Female zodiac love compatibility.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

Gemini Woman and Aquarius Man Love Compatibility

Find Gemini woman and Aquarius man compatibility relationship & friendship horoscope. Read Gemini female and Aquarius male zodiac love compatibility.

Science & Technology | The Ocean & The Environment

'Nothing is ever dry down here. Ever.' - Telegraph

Sixty feet below the sea, in the world's only underwater habitat, a group of scientists is trying to unlock the ocean’s secrets. But how do the crew of the Aquarius stay sane?