
Science & Technology | Science & Technology

Bacteria Inside You May Explain Why Weight Piles on After Dieting

Restricting our food intake can result in a range of health benefits, including reducing the risk of obesity.

Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness

Why So Many of Us Don’t Lose Weight When We Exercise - The New York Times

Most of us eat more when we exercise, and though it may be just a few extra bites a day, the result is weight gain.

Health & Fitness | Health

Weight-Gain Shockers: Stress, Medications, and More in Pictures

WebMD explains the possible causes of sudden weight gain, when there are no changes in diet or exercise. Learn about the effects of certain medications, some medical conditions, sleep issues, and more.

Health & Fitness | Health Articles

Could a Noisy Neighborhood Make You Fat?: MedlinePlus

Could a Noisy Neighborhood Make You Fat?