"The Pen Is Mightier Than The Sword" - Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Merz Newz

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Science | Science & Technology

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Things You Should Say to Raise Smart Kids Who Think for Themselves

The most important thing any parent can do for their children is to have conversations with them, starting the day they’re born. While genetics supply the blueprints, how much children achieve is largely determined by how and how much parents talk and i

    Science & Technology | Science

    Poor People Don't Have Less Self-Control. Poverty Forces Them to Think Short-Term.

    When poor people focus on the present it isn't irresponsible, it's pragmatic.

      Science & Technology | Science

      Alzheimer’s Accurately Detected By Computerized Language Analysis

      Researchers have discovered how to diagnose Alzheimer's disease with more than 82 per cent accuracy by evaluating the interplay between four linguistic factors; and developing automated technology to

        Science & Technology | Science

        Small gestures can make other people nicer in return, claims study

        Scientists at the Brain and Creativity Institute of University of Southern California observed people's reaction to others holding the door open for them, and found 50% returned the favour.

              Science & Technology | Science

              UC San Diego wins legal battle in dispute with USC over Alzheimer's project

              UC San Diego won a major legal battle Friday against USC when a judge ruled that control of a landmark project on Alzheimer's disease belongs to the La Jolla school.

                Science & Technology | Science

                Scientific Proof That Your Gut Is Best At Making Decisions

                New research suggests that trusting your gut may be more valuable than parsing a pile of facts.

                  Science & Technology | Science

                  3 Reasons We Can't Make Up Our Minds

                  Whether it's marriage or lunch, decisions can flummox you. Time to step up.

                    Science & Technology | Science

                    Why Some People Are More Resilient Than Others

                    A recent study discovered two factors that characterize resilient people.

                        Science & Technology | Science

                        Why Some People See Ghosts and Other Apparitions

                        There are potential explanations (even if some people won't believe them).

                              Science & Technology | Science

                              The Best Tech Products of 2015 (So Far)

                              We’re already halfway through 2015. Which means we’ve already had six months’ worth of new tech products to look at, play with, and pass judgment on. Among the many, many gadgets, apps, and services we’ve seen this year, we’ve definitely had som

                                Science & Technology | Science

                                Science Confirms That People Age at Dramatically Different Rates

                                Ever suspect that you’re secretly younger (or older) than someone your exact same age? Well, you probably are.

                                  Science & Technology | Science

                                  iOS 9 Deep Plunge: The 57 Coolest Features

                                  It’s summertime, and you know what that means: Apple is readying a new version of the software that drives its iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches. We got an early look at iOS 9; here are some of the cooler new features you can look forward to seeing when

                                    Science & Technology | Science

                                    The 65 Best Night Sky Spots in Southern California for Stargazing

                                    From San Diego to Los Angeles and from the desert to the mountains, there's a spot for you, your friends, and family to enjoy the stars.

                                      Science & Technology | Science

                                      Watch Venus Take Jupiter in a Race Around the Sun

                                      Over the past week, you may have noticed what appear to be two superbright stars near the horizon. Those aren’t stars; they’re planets in a celestial race around the sun. On Tuesday, Venus will come ne...

                                        Science & Technology | Science

                                        Who's Best at Predicting the Future? (and How to Get Better)

                                        New research into why some of us are more open to what's most likely to happen.

                                          Science & Technology | Science

                                          Why We Hallucinate

                                          The 5 most common causes, and 3 primary theories.

                                            Science & Technology | Science

                                            The Best Planet Duo Of 2015 - Venus And Jupiter

                                            They are the two brightest planets in the night sky – the cloud-covered world of Venus and the enormous gas giant Jupiter. Put them together and it’s a double delight. We are set for a stunning sight at the end of the month that’s sure to attract at

                                                Science & Technology | Science

                                                Yes, You Are Probably Biased:

                                                What Do You Do, If Science Says That Prejudice Is In Your Genes?

                                                  Science & Technology | Science


                                                  A rare deep-sea creature was found dead on a beach earlier this week. The four-meter-long (13.5 foot-long) carcass is the second oarfish to end up on Catalina Island in under two years. The latest find gives researchers another exciting opportunity to g

                                                    Science & Technology | Science

                                                    This Infographic Helps You Choose Your Career Based on Your Personality Type

                                                    Your Myers Briggs personality type says a lot about you. It determines your tendencies toward extroversion or introversion and breaks down other facets of your personality by dividing types into 16 categories. My classification as an INFJ could not be

                                                      Science & Technology | Science

                                                      This Infographic Helps You Choose Your Career Based on Your Personality Type

                                                      Your Myers Briggs personality type says a lot about you. It determines your tendencies toward extroversion or introversion and breaks down other facets of your personality by dividing types into 16 categories. My classification as an INFJ could not be

                                                        Science & Technology | Science

                                                        HuffPost Live

                                                        HuffPost Live is a live-streaming network that attempts to create the most social video experience possible. Viewers are invited to join discussions live as on-air guests. Topics range from politics to pop culture.

                                                            Science & Technology | Science

                                                            Giant Galaxies Die From The Inside When They Stop Making Stars

                                                            Galaxies are star factories. But for some, such as massive elliptical galaxies, their star-forming days are now over. All of their available gas has already been turned into more than a hundred billion stars. Collectively, these galaxies contain about hal

                                                              Science & Technology | Science

                                                              The Secret To Learning is Reverse of Conventional Wisdom - PsyBlog

                                                              Neuroscientists find that the key to learning fast and efficiently may be the opposite of conventional wisdom.

                                                                Science & Technology | Science

                                                                Blood Moon: Shortest Total Lunar Eclipse of the Century Rises Saturday

                                                                Only the speediest of skywatchers will have a chance to see the total lunar eclipse rising Saturday (April 4): NASA predicts that the total phase of the lunar eclipse will only last about 5 minutes.

                                                                  Science & Technology | Science

                                                                  Watch A Blood Moon Eclipse April 4th

                                                                  On Saturday, April 4, much of the world will witness the third in a tightly packed series of four total lunar eclipses. The week's event is the shortest of the four, with totality lasting less than five minutes, perfect for anyone with a limited att

                                                                    Science & Technology | Science

                                                                    Solar Eclipse On The Equinox: A Powerful Catalyst for New Beginnings

                                                                    On March 20th at 5:36am (ET) we will be having a total Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the same day as the Equinox. It will be visible from Greenland, Iceland, most of Europe, and parts of Asia and Northern Africa. In astrology, solar eclipses create changes�

                                                                          Science & Technology | Science

                                                                          The pattern behind self-deception

                                                                          Michael Shermer says the human tendency to believe strange things -- from alien abductions to dowsing rods -- boils down to two of the brain's most basic, hard-wired survival skills. He explains what they are, and how they get us into trouble.

                                                                              Science & Technology | Science

                                                                              Study Concludes Autism Can Be Largely Explained By Genetics | IFLScience

                                                                              Although we currently do not know the precise cause of autism, the prevailing idea is that both genetics and the environment play a role. However, the relative contributions of both have been difficult to establish.

                                                                                    Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                    Extroverts Come In Two Different Types, Brain Scans Reveal - PsyBlog

                                                                                    There are two types of extroverts, each with distinct brain anatomies.

                                                                                      Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                      Scientists Discover That Eyes Actually Are The Window To The Soul -

                                                                                      Inspired by an article by Steven Bancarz | In an interesting validation to an age old adage, scientists have discovered that the eyes actually are the window to the soul. Or at the very least, the window into our personalities. Scientists at the Orebro Un

                                                                                        Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                        Richard Wolpert's Big Idea: Tech Support for Your Parents

                                                                                        Richard Wolpert, Hello Tech, Accel Partners, Amplify.la, RealNetworks, Disney, Crosscut Ventures, Upfront Ventures, Ron Johnson, remote tech, VC, startups

                                                                                          Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                          You Can Sell Your Poop For $13k Per Year And Help Science | IFLScience

                                                                                          Everybody poops. That’s not just the name of a popular potty training book, but it’s an essential fact of life. However, most people merely flush it away without a second thought.

                                                                                            Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                            Ever Wake Up and Think You See a Ghost? Here's What's Happening

                                                                                            Up to 40 percent of people report experiencing sleep paralysis at some point in their lives, and a few, like Salma, hallucinate shadowy intruders hovering over them.

                                                                                                Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                Your Brain Doesn't Like It When You—or Others—Get Screwed on Wages

                                                                                                New research examines how our brains respond to fairness.

                                                                                                  Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                  Selenelion ‘Blood Moon’ Lunar Eclipse This Week: When to Watch, and How to Work With its Energies

                                                                                                  WHEN & WHERE TO WATCH THE SELENELION ECLIPSE On the evening of Wednesday October 7/Morning of Thursday October 8, a…

                                                                                                    Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                    The Best Way To Treat a Broken Heart - DNews | DNews - Yahoo Screen

                                                                                                    A broken heart is an awful feeling that occurs after break up. Is there an easy way to treat it? Tara is here to discuss what some researchers are recommending.

                                                                                                      Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                      Feeling Bummed? How Disappointment Works in the Brain

                                                                                                      The finding could lead to a new class of drugs to treat depression, researchers say. That downer feeling involves the finely tuned, simultaneous firing of two different neurotransmitters in the brain. It is the ratio of the two neurotransmitters — one e

                                                                                                        Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                        Black holes cannot actually exist, according to mathematical proof

                                                                                                        The scientific world is left reeling after a researcher offers a breakthrough mathematical proof that black holes cannot really exist.

                                                                                                          Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                          What will humans look like in 100,000 years?

                                                                                                          A speculative look at how advanced genetic engineering technology might reshape people's faces over time.

                                                                                                            Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                            Why The Ocean Calls To Us, According To Science

                                                                                                            Since ancient times, humans have assigned healing and transformational properties to water. In early Rome, baths were an important part of cultural life, a place where citizens went to find relaxation and to connect with others in a calming setting. ...

                                                                                                              Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                              Is the October 8, 2014 full moon a supermoon? | EarthSky.org

                                                                                                              There's disagreement on whether the October 8, 2014 full moon should be called a supermoon. If it is one, it's a super Hunter's Blood Moon ... in eclipse.

                                                                                                                Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                Scientists Develop Cheap, Rechargeable Organic Batteries Built From Eco-Friendly Components That Last 15 Years

                                                                                                                Scientists at USC have developed a water-based organic battery that is long lasting and built from cheap, eco-friendly components. The…

                                                                                                                  Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                  The Happiness Equation: It Can Predict How Good You Will Feel Moment-by-Moment — PsyBlog

                                                                                                                  The vital role expectations play in our happiness is revealed by data collected from 18,420 people worldwide.

                                                                                                                    Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                    Your Favorite Booze Under The Microscope | I Fucking Love Science

                                                                                                                    I’m sure that when most of you are sipping on your favorite cocktail- be it a piña colada or a cosmopolitan- the first thing that comes to mind is not “I wonder what this would look like under a microscope…” But just in case you did, an awesome c

                                                                                                                      Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                      Social Conformity Effect Lasts Three Days — PsyBlog

                                                                                                                      People will deny their own senses to fit with others, but the effect fades with time.

                                                                                                                        Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                        Print-Your-Own Makeup: 3D Printer Brings New Cosmetics Innovation

                                                                                                                        With seemingly endless shelves of colorful cosmetics, why is it that you can never find just the right shade of red lipstick? Or the perfect bronze eyeshadow? it's not like women haven't tried them all. According to a report from IBISWorld, cons

                                                                                                                            Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                            Neurobiological Origin of Attention Deficit Disorder Discovered | I Fucking Love Science

                                                                                                                            Neurobehavioral disorders like attention deficit disorder (ADD) can have a wide range of symptoms and affect people differently, meaning they are not a black and white diagnosis like cancer or an infectious disease. For a host of reasons, including better

                                                                                                                              Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                              Like to Stay Up Late? Different Neural Structures Found in the Brains of Night Owls — PsyBlog

                                                                                                                              For the first time differences in neural structures have been shown between people who are night owls and early risers.

                                                                                                                                Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                Beauty in Art and Mathematics Activates The Same Brain Region — PsyBlog

                                                                                                                                Beauty is processed in part of the reward circuit of the brain, a new study finds.

                                                                                                                                  Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                  Love, Love Medulla: The Neuroscience of Beatlemania

                                                                                                                                  What caused all the fainting, crying, and swooning? Neuroscience can explain.

                                                                                                                                        Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                        Matter of Mystery: Antimatter Beam Could Help Solve Physics Puzzle

                                                                                                                                        A new experiment at a Swiss physics laboratory has, for the first time, successfully produced a stream of antimatter hydrogen atoms that could help answer a fundamental physics question. The new achievement, which is detailed today (Jan. 21) in the journa

                                                                                                                                          Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                          Human emotions mapped for the first time, shows where we feel love, fear, and shame

                                                                                                                                              Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                              World's most beautiful beach glows like millions of stars at night

                                                                                                                                              Flickr user hala065 brings us these otherworldly images of a beach in the Maldives that glows with millions of pinpoints of glowing blue. The light from these bioluminescent phytoplankton looks like a fantastic starry sky somewhere deep in the universe. I

                                                                                                                                                Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                Ouch! Why Some People May Be More Sensitive to Pain

                                                                                                                                                Some people feel pain more intensely than others, and new research suggests differences in pain sensitivity may be related to differences in brain structure. In other words, people who spend more time in

                                                                                                                                                    Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                    10 Most Awe-Inspiring Neuroscience Studies

                                                                                                                                                    New studies demonstrate the deep power of human empathy, debunk right-brain and left-brain personalities, explore neural structures during sleep and way more...

                                                                                                                                                      Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                      Patients in Vegetative State Can Respond Emotionally to Loved Ones

                                                                                                                                                      First study to demonstrate emotional awareness in patients in a persistent vegetative state.

                                                                                                                                                        Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                        'Jumping Genes' Linked to Schizophrenia

                                                                                                                                                        Some so-called jumping genes that copy and paste themselves throughout the genome may be linked to schizophrenia, new research suggests. The new study, published today (Jan. 2) in the journal Neuron, suggests these jumping genes may alter how neurons (or

                                                                                                                                                          Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                          Why Does Time Fly as We Get Older?

                                                                                                                                                          Time seems to pass more and more quickly as we age. Why is this?

                                                                                                                                                              Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                              Why You Just Can't Help But Selfie

                                                                                                                                                              We do it from the mundane comfort of our bedrooms and offices and to commemorate special occasions, like a beach vacation or the high school prom. It has its own spot in the dictionary, right next to

                                                                                                                                                                Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                                OMG -- Californians really do talk funny

                                                                                                                                                                UC San Diego study confirms that Southern California men use 'uptalk', rising utterances associated with female 'Valley Girl' speak.

                                                                                                                                                                  Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                                  How Men's Brains Are Wired Differently Than Women's

                                                                                                                                                                  The research, which involved imaging the brains of nearly 1,000 adolescents, found that male brains had more connections within hemispheres, whereas female brains were more connected between hemispheres. The results, which apply to the population as a who

                                                                                                                                                                    Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                                    10 handy household uses for vinegar

                                                                                                                                                                    View the 10 handy household uses for vinegar photo gallery on Yahoo Homes. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.

                                                                                                                                                                      Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                                      Study pinpoints cell type and brain region affected by gene mutations in autism | PsyPost

                                                                                                                                                                      A team led by UC San Francisco scientists has identified the disruption of a single type of cell -- in a particular brain region and at a particular time in brain development -- as a significant factor in the emergence of autism.

                                                                                                                                                                          Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                                          Beer In Space: 11-Year-Old's Tiny Brewery Will Fly to Space Station

                                                                                                                                                                          In a couple months, the astronauts on the International Space Station will get an alcoholic treat, courtesy of a sixth grader.

                                                                                                                                                                            Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                                            Why Do Cats Knead?

                                                                                                                                                                            Kneading is a common behavior seen in domestic cats, in which the feline pushes in and out with its front paws, alternating between left and right. It's unclear exactly why cats knead, but a number of hypotheses exist.

                                                                                                                                                                              Science & Technology | Science

                                                                                                                                                                              Want Your Youngest Child to Achieve? Treat Him Like He's Your Oldest

                                                                                                                                                                              A new study indicates that first-born children do better in school and also suggests why. It's not that they are smarter or have higher self-esteem, but that their parents are tougher on them.